# useServices

Services provide a way for plugin developers to call a shared interface handled by Rebar to handle common place functionality.

Examples being...

  • Adding Currency
  • Subtracting Currency
  • Adding an Item
  • Removing an Item
  • Checking if an Item Exists
  • Changing Weather
  • Getting Weather
  • Changing Time
  • Getting Time
  • etc.

# Example

# Service Register Example

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('items', {
    add: async (player, id, quantity) => {
        // Do standard add items to inventory, and whatever else is necessary
        // such as inventory checks, weight checks, etc.
        // Return false if added incorrectly

        // Return true if added correctly
        return true;
    sub: async (player, id quantity) => {

        // Return true if subtracted enough
        return true;
    has: async (player, id, quantity) => {
        // Return true if has enough of an item
    remove: async (player, uid) => {
        // return true if removed an item entirely

# Service Invoke Example

async function addFishingRod(player: alt.Player) {
    const didAdd = await useItemService().add(player, 'fishingrod', 1);
    if (!didAdd) {
        // fishing rod was not added

    // fishing rod was added, do something here...

# useCurrencyService

# Register

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('currencyService', {
    async add(player, type, quantity) {
        // Handle add logic...
        // Return true if added successfully
        return true;
    async sub(player, type, quantity) {
        // Handle sub logic...
        // Return true if added successfully
        return true;
    async has(player, type, quantity) {
        // Handle has logic...
        // Return true if has enough of a currency type
        return true;

# add

Adds a specified currency type to a given player with a specific quantity.

const didAdd = await Rebar.services.useCurrencyService().add(somePlayer, 'cash', 5);

# sub

Subtracts a specified currency type to a given player with a specific quantity.

const didSub = await Rebar.services.useCurrencyService().sub(somePlayer, 'cash', 5);

# has

Checks if the player has enough of a specified currency type.

const has = await Rebar.services.useCurrencyService().has(somePlayer, 'cash');

# useDeathService

# Register

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('deathService', {
    respawn(player, pos) {
        // handle respawning a player somewhere
    revive(player) {
        // handle reviving a player in the same position

# respawn

Respawn is meant to be used as a way to respawn the player through some other means in your game mode.

Rebar.services.useDeathService().respawn(somePlayer, new alt.Vector3(0, 0, 0));

# revive

Revive is meant to be used to respawn the player in their same position


# useItemService

# Register

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('itemService', {
    async add(player, id, quantity, data) {
        // this should try and add an item quantity to the given player, with optional specified data
        // Return false if they run out of room, or exceed weight. Up to library creator.

        return true;
    async sub(player, id, quantity) {
        // This should try and subtract item quantity from the given player, with optional specified data
        // Return false if they don't have enough

        return true;
    async has(player, id, quantity) {
        // This should try and see if the player has a specified item, and a given quantity
        // Return false if they do not

        return true;
    async remove(player, uid) {
        // This should return true if the item can successfully be removed entirely by a unique identifier
        // Every item should have some form of uid for easy removal
        // Return false if the uid item does not exist

        return true;

# add

This should try and add an item quantity to the given player.

This will return false if the item cannot be added.

const didAdd = Rebar.services.useItemService().add(somePlayer, 'fishing-rod', 1, { customData: 'here' });

# sub

This should try and subtract an item quantity from the given player.

This will return false if the item quantity cannot be subtracted.

const didSub = Rebar.services.useItemService().sub(somePlayer, 'fishing-rod', 1);

# has

This should try and return true/false if the player has a specific item and a given quantity.

const hasEnough = Rebar.services.useItemService().has(somePlayer, 'cabbage-seeds', 100);

# remove

This should try and remove any item with a given uid and remove it entirely from the inventory.

UID stands for unique identifier.

const isRemoved = await Rebar.services.useItemService().remove(somePlayer, 'c03b9f08-dd85-46fe-ba07-429b0f79deaf');

# useNotificationService

# Register

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('notificationService', {
    broadcast(msg, type) {
        // Should send a message to all logged in players in the form of a notification
        // Type can literally be anything you want
    emit(player, msg, type) {
        // Should send a message to the given player in the form of a notification
        // Type can literally be anything you want

# broadcast

Rebar.services.useNotificationService().broadcast('hello everyone!', 'announcement');

# emit

Rebar.services.useNotificationService().emit(somePlayer, 'hello person!', 'info');

# useTimeService

# Register

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('timeService', {
    setTime(hour, minute, second) {
        // what to do when time is set

# setTime

Sets the in-game time for the whole server.


Rebar.services.useTimeService().setTime(5, 0, 0);

# getTime

Returns the current server time.

const currentTime = Rebar.services.useTimeService().getTime();

# useWeatherService

# Register

Rebar.services.useServiceRegister().register('weatherService', {
    setWeather(type) {
        // Passes a single weather type compatible for the game
    setWeatherForecast(types) {
        // Passes an array of weather types to loop through

# setWeather


# setWeatherForecast


# getWeather

const currentWeather = Rebar.services.useWeatherService().getWeather();

# getWeatherForecast

const weatherForecast = Rebar.services.useWeatherService().getWeatherForecast();