The messenger system allows for developers to easily send up messages from players and process them as commands
or messages
for other players to read.
However, the messages are not automatically sent to other players. You as a developer get to decide who sees what messages or if they see text messages at all.
Commands have permission system built-in, so you can easily allow players to use certain commands based on their permissions. For more details on how to use permissions, check useEntityPermissions.
import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';
const Rebar = useRebar();
const messenger = Rebar.messenger.useMessenger();
// Simple command, no arguments, no restrictions
name: '/id',
desc: 'Print your current identifier',
callback: (player: alt.Player) => {
messenger.message.send(player, { type: 'info', content: `ID: ${player.id}` });
// Gated command, requires permissions
// Below checks if a 'account' has the 'moderator' permission before executing the command
name: '/goto',
desc: '/goto [x][y][z]',
options: { permissions: ['moderator'] },
callback: (player: alt.Player, x: string, y: string, z: string) => {
try {
const pos = new alt.Vector3(parseFloat(x), parseFloat(y), parseFloat(z));
player.pos = pos;
} catch (err) {
messenger.message.send(player, { type: 'warning', content: 'X,Y,Z coords were not valid.' });
messenger.message.on((player: alt.Player, msg: string) => {
// You shouldn't use `player.name` in production.
console.log(`${player.name} says: ${msg}`);
// Let's forward the message to all players!
for (let player of alt.Player.all) {
messenger.message.send(player, { type: 'player', content: msg, author: player.name });
// Get a list of all commands the player has permission for
const commands = await messenger.commands.getCommands(player);