# usePermissionGroup

Permission groups are a way to organize permissions into groups, and then assign those groups to players. This way, you can easily manage permissions for multiple players at once.

# Creating a permission group

You can create a permission group with these properties:

  • permissions: string[] - an array of permission names that this group should have.
  • inherits?: string - a name of a group that this group should inherit permissions from. This way, you can create a hierarchy of groups.
  • version?: number - a version of the group.

inherits is a way to create a hierarchy of groups. If a group inherits from another group, it will have all the permissions from the inherited group.

Version is used to track changes in the group. On server start, the server is loading all groups from the database and comparing them with the groups in the code.

Conditions when the group will be updated in the database:

  • The same group in the code and group in the database have no version property.
  • Group in the code has version that is greater than the group in the database.
import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';
const groups = Rebar.permissions.usePermissionGroup();

await groups.add('support', {
    permissions: ['kick', 'adminChat', 'mute'],
    version: 1,

await groups.add('admin', {
    permissions: ['ban', 'unban'],
    inherits: 'support',

await groups.add('chief', {
    permissions: ['grant', 'revoke'],
    inherits: 'admin',

In this example, we created three groups: support, admin, and chief.

  • The support group has three permissions: kick, adminChat, and mute.
  • The admin group has two permissions: ban and unban, and inherits all permissions from the support group.
  • The chief group has two permissions: grant and revoke, and inherits all permissions from the admin group, which in turn inherits all permissions from the support group.

# Removing a permission group

You can remove a permission group by calling the remove method with the name of the group you want to remove.

import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';

const groups = Rebar.permissions.usePermissionGroup();

await groups.remove('support');

If groups exists, it will remove the support group from the database.

# Add permissions to a group

You can add permissions to a group by calling the addPermission method with the name of the group and the permission you want to add.

import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';

const groups = Rebar.permissions.usePermissionGroup();

await groups.addPermission('support', 'teleport');

This will add the teleport permission to the support group.

# Remove permissions from a group

You can remove permissions from a group by calling the removePermission method with the name of the group and the permission you want to remove.

import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';

const groups = Rebar.permissions.usePermissionGroup();

await groups.removePermission('support', 'teleport');

This will remove the teleport permission from the support group.

# Check permission

You can check if group has a permission by calling the groupHasPermission method with the name of the group and the permission you want to check.

import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';

const groups = Rebar.permissions.usePermissionGroup();

const hasPermission = await groups.groupHasPermission('support', 'teleport');

This will return true if the support group has the teleport permission, otherwise false.

# List Permissions

You can list all permissions recursively for a group by calling the groupsToPlainPermissions method with the name of the group.

import { useRebar } from '@Server/index.js';

const groups = Rebar.permissions.usePermissionGroup();

const permissions = await groups.groupsToPlainPermissions('chief');

This will return an array of all permissions for the chief group, including all inherited permissions. So, according to the add example, this will return ['kick', 'adminChat', 'mute', 'ban', 'unban', 'grant', 'revoke'].