These events are unique to the Rebar framework, and help provide information about when something happens.
A lot of these events can only be invoked by using the Services functionality.
Event Formatting
The syntax for any custom events should be as follows:
declare module 'alt-server' {
export interface ICustomEmitEvent {
'rebar:pluginName:eventName': (something: string) => void;
// Called when an account is bound to a player
alt.on('rebar:playerAccountBound', (player, document) => {
// Called when a character is bound to a player
alt.on('rebar:playerCharacterBound', (player, document) => {
// Called when a vehicle document is bound to a vehicle
alt.on('rebar:vehicleBound', (vehicle, document) => {
// Called when a player sends a message
alt.on('rebar:playerSendMessage', (player, msg) => {
// Called whenever the time changes
alt.on('rebar:timeChanged', (hour, minute, second) => {
console.log(hour, minute, second);
// Called whenever the hour increments by 1
alt.on('rebar:timeHourChanged', (hour) => {
// Called whenever the minute increments by 1
alt.on('rebar:timeMinuteChanged', (minute) => {
// Called whenever the second increments by 1
alt.on('rebar:timeSecondChanged', (second) => {
// Called when a page is opened
alt.on('rebar:playerPageOpened', (player, pageName) => {
console.log('page opened');
// Called when a page is closed
alt.on('rebar:playerPageClosed', (player, pageName) => {
console.log('page closed');
// Called when currency is added to a player
alt.on('rebar:playerCurrencyAdd', (player, type, quantity) => {
console.log(`Added ${type} of ${quantity}`);
// Called when currency is added to a player
alt.on('rebar:playerCurrencySub', (player, type, quantity) => {
console.log(`Subtracted ${type} of ${quantity}`);
// Called when server weather is changed
alt.on('rebar:weatherChanged', (weather) => {
console.log(`Weather is now ${weather}`);
// Called when a door is locked
alt.on('rebar:doorLocked', (uid, initiator: alt.Player) => {
console.log(`Door ${uid} was locked...`);
// Called when a door is locked
alt.on('rebar:doorUnlocked', (uid, initiator: alt.Player | null) => {
console.log(`Door ${uid} was unlocked...`);
// Called when a notification is emitted to a player
alt.on('rebar:playerEmitNotification', (player, msg, type) => {
// Called when a notification is broadcast to all players
alt.on('rebar:broadcastNotification', (msg, type) => {
// Called when the server invokes a respawn for a given player
alt.on('rebar:playerRespawn', (player, pos) => {
console.log(`Respawning player...`);
// Called when the server invokes a revive for a given player in the same position
alt.on('rebar:playerRevive', (player) => {
console.log(`Reviving player in position...`);
// Called when the server invokes the hot reload functionality
// 99% of devs will not be using this
alt.on('rebar:rpcRestart', () => {
console.log(`Invoked when hot reload is invoked...`);
// Called when any field in the character document is updated for a player
alt.on('rebar:playerCharacterUpdated', (player, fieldName, value) => {
if (fieldName !== 'armour') {
// Called when any field in the account document is updated for a player
alt.on('rebar:playerAccountUpdated', (player, fieldName, value) => {
if (fieldName !== 'email') {
// Called when any field in the vehicle document is updated for a vehicle
alt.on('rebar:vehicleUpdated', (vehicle, fieldName, value) => {
if (fieldName !== 'fuel') {
// Called when an item is added to an entity's document, such as a player.
alt.on('rebar:entityItemAdd', (entity, id, quantity, data) => {
if (!(entity instanceof alt.Player)) {
// Listening for player only item add events
// Called when an item quantity is subtracted from an entity's document, such as a player.
alt.on('rebar:entityItemSub', (entity, id, quantity) => {
if (!(entity instanceof alt.Player)) {
// Listening for player only item sub events
// Called when an item is removed from entity's document, such as a player
alt.on('rebar:entityItemRemove', (entity, uid) => {
if (!(entity instanceof alt.Player)) {
// Listening for player only item remove events
// Called every 1s based on server time, there at 60 ticks in a minute.
alt.on('rebar:onTick', (tick: number) => {
Custom Events
You can declare custom alt.on
events in your plugin like this.
You can invoke them with alt.emit
declare module 'alt-server' {
export interface ICustomEmitEvent {
weatherForecastChanged: (weather: Weathers[]) => void;
weatherChanged: (weather: Weathers) => void;