This is an event wrapper that allows for communication directly to the server, or the client.
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useEvents } from '@Composables/useEvents';
const events = useEvents();
// Recieve an event from server or client
events.on('event-from-server-or-client', (var1: string, var2: number) => {
console.log(var1, var2);
// Can be recieved with the useWebview().on event
const myVariable = true;
events.emitClient('emit-to-client-event', myVariable);
// Can be recieved with the alt.onClient event
events.emitServer('emit-to-server-event', myVariable);
// Emit to the server-side RPC and get a result from the server
const result = await events.emitServerRpc('get-something', 'hello');
console.log(`Webview Result: ${result}`);
// Emit to the client-side, but only works with useWebview().onRpc('get-something', () => {})
const result = await events.emitClientRpc('get-something', 'hello');
Server Side RPC Handling
If you use the event emitServerRpc
you can use the normal alt.onRpc
to handle the request.
A simple but seamless integration with existing alt:V APIs.
import * as alt from 'alt-server';
alt.onRpc('get-something', (player, arg1: string) => {
const result = arg1 + ' world';
return result;
Client Side RPC Handling
This one works differently on client-side, so you'll have to access the useWebview
function, and then add your listener callback.
import { useWebview } from '@Client/webview/index.js';
const view = useWebview();
view.onRpc('get-something', (arg1: string) => {
return arg1 + ' world';
Key Presses
If you're trying to listen for certain keypresses regardless of focus you can use onKeyUp
and offKeyUp
Generally you want to bind onKeyUp
with the onMounted
event, and turn off the key listener with offKeyUp
when unmounting
import { onMounted, onUnmounted } from 'vue';
import { useEvents } from '../../../../webview/composables/useEvents';
const Events = useEvents();
function doSomething() {
console.log('hello world');
onUnmounted(() => {
onMounted(() => {
Events.onKeyUp('inventory', 73, doSomething);